When it comes to installing a new shower in your bathroom, there is a significant variation of enclosures that you have to choose from. It can be tough to choose an enclosure that works for the space you have, which is why you should carefully assess each option that is available. Here is a closer look at a couple of different shower enclosure options that you can find on the market.
Frameless Shower Enclosure
Frameless shower enclosures have become very popular in recent years. They do not utilize a traditional frame but rather fit directly onto the wall in front of your shower area. These enclosures often use glass as the primary material in their design and can help to increase the amount of space you have available in your shower. Additionally, they are also great for adding a modern touch to your bathroom’s aesthetic.
Sliding Shower Enclosure
If you are limited on space in the bathroom, then a sliding shower enclosure is a great choice. They do not have swinging doors but rather a single door that slides left and right. These shower enclosures also offer the aesthetics of glass and come in a wide variety of design options.
Square Shower Enclosure
People with less space to work with will opt for a square shower enclosure. The enclosure forms a perfect square on the floor, along with an elongated frame that helps to prevent water from splashing outside of the shower. These showers often use tiling at the bottom and can easily be added against existing wall tiles that you have in the bathroom. You can also choose to use a curtain instead of a door with this setup.
Curved Shower Enclosure
A curved shower enclosure has a very similar design to a square option – the major difference being the shape. Instead of a perfect square, the outer edge of the enclosure features a smooth curvature. This adds more options for choosing different types of doors, including sliding ones that can help to save space when you have a relatively small bathroom. Similar to square shower enclosures, a curved one will also fit into a corner in the area.
Walk-in Showers
Walk-in showers are quickly rising in popularity, and many people choose them due to the convenience they add. Careful planning is, however, required when you want to have an open-plan walk-in shower. You need to ensure the position of the faucet will not cause a mess all over the bathroom. These showers generally only have a minimalistic frame and sometimes contain no glass components that serve as a door and shield for the water.
Custom Showers With Shower Doors Of Charlotte
Designing a custom shower can feel like a daunting task, but with the right tips, you can achieve something that uniquely fits your bathroom. When you decide to opt for something custom, Shower Doors of Charlotte has a large variety of options that you are able to choose from. We make the process of picking the right type of enclosure, doors, and materials easy – and we stand by you throughout the entire process.
Regardless of the space that you have to work with, we can help you find a custom solution that perfectly fits the expectations that you have for a shower. We focus on providing modern options with a complementary effect to the interior decor you wish to achieve and maintain in your bathroom.